The Goal of SELPAs
Even though there are many organizational structures for a SELPA, all SELPAs have the same basic goal:
to deliver high quality special education programs and services to students with disabilities in the most effective manner practicable.
SELPAs believe that all students can learn and that students with special needs must be guaranteed equal opportunity to become contributing members of society. SELPAs facilitate high quality educational programs and services for students with special needs and training for parents and educators. SELPAs collaborate with county agencies and other Local Educational Agency (LEAs) to develop and maintain healthy and enriching environments in which students with special needs can succeed.
Strategies employed to achieve these and the following goals include:
- Responding to specific areas of local, state and public concerns;
- Emphasizing the need for effective special education services to improve educational and life outcomes for students with disabilities;
- Organizing SELPA Administrators for support of common education goals; and
- Defining SELPA governance and organization with flexibility at the local level.
For Students with Special Education Services
Assuring that appropriate programs and services are provided to meet the needs of each child with disabilities throughout the state.
Assuring that a full continuum of programs is available to each individual with disabilities served by each SELPA.
Maintaining programs and services within the SELPA which will allow each individual with disabilities to achieve at a level commensurate with his or her ability.
Assuring that each individual with disabilities is integrated within and has access to the district core curriculum and extracurricular activities as appropriate.
Assuring the availability of due process rights for students and their parents served in each SELPA.
For Special Education Services
Eliminating duplication of services within the SELPA
Improving the quality of programs through the use of on-going evaluations.
Encouraging involvement by parents of each child with a disability in the IEP process.
For Staff
Increasing awareness of parents of individuals with disabilities through a comprehensive program of parent education.
Assuring that all certificated and classified staff members achieve professional growth through a comprehensive regional program of staff development.
Maintaining opportunities for sharing technical resources and information among SELPAs.
Fostering public support for special education through the maintenance of a strong position of child advocacy.
Assuring that an effective management information system is available to monitor student data.
Implementing cost-effective procedures and management systems to maximize the quantity and quality of services and programs for the benefit of students with disabilities.
Maintaining lines of communication with parents, staff and Community Advisory Committee members.
Maintaining line of communication with all publicly supported agencies providing services to students with disabilities.
Maintaining lines of communication with the community regarding special education programs and services.