Child Find

Child Find


Child Find Obligations

The Child Find process requires Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities residing in its jurisdiction. This obligation includes all students who attend private (including religious) schools, migrant or homeless students, students who are wards of the State, and students with suspected disabilities who are not advancing in grade level. (20 USC 1412 (a)(3)(A), 20 USC 1412 (a)(10)(A)(ii)(I), 34 CFR 300.111, 34 CFR 300.131, 34 CFR 300.111(c)(2), 34 CFR 300.101(c), 30 EC 56301.)

It is important to note that Child Find is a screening process that identifies children who have a disability, or are suspected of having a disability and may need special education and related services. Children identified through the Child Find process must still be assessed to confirm eligibility. For more information on Disability Assessments, reference Part IV: Procedures for Determining Eligibility.

SCUSD must actively and systematically seek out all children with exceptional needs who reside within the school district by engaging in the following activities:

Distributing written information to all schools in the area, as well as to other agencies that are likely to encounter children with special needs.

Furnishing information on the internet

Offering training to private school employees

Developing pamphlets about the availability of special education services and how to access them

Reaching out to the Sacramento City School District community through:

Public Service Announcements  

Media Advisories

Press Releases

SCUSD Website

For additional information regarding SCUSD’s Child Find obligations, please view the District’ Child Find Brochure.

Specific information concerning Child Find is provided under the following topic areas:

Infants and Toddlers  

Preschool-Aged Students  

Private School Students

Determining whether a child is eligible for services under the IDEA as a result of identification through Child Find

Infants and Toddlers 

Sacramento County Office of Education provides Infant Development Services to eligible infants ages 0-3.     

Preschool-Aged Students

SCUSD must identify preschool children aged 3 to 5 with disabilities through:

Child Find activities listed in the Child Find Obligations Section  

Direct referrals from parents, preschools, physicians, members of the community, and Kindergarten teachers

Private School Students

SCUSD must identify students who attend a private school located within the jurisdiction of SCUSD because SCUSD is considered the student’s “District of Attendance.” This includes all private schools, including religious, elementary and secondary schools that are located within SCUSD’s jurisdictional boundaries (34 CFR 300.131.).